Trusted by thousands of online stores worldwide
- 450k+Messages sent per day
- 3m+API requests per day
- 99.99%System uptime
- 100k+orders processed per day
With you.
Every step of the way.
Dedicated Account
ManagerYou’ll have a single point of contact to ensure your team is getting the most out of ReferralCandy.
Live Chat
SupportYou’ll get priority access to our customer solutions and support teams for questions and guidance on best practice.
FeaturesYou get direct access to our core engineers for development support and custom requests for your business.
SecurityWe implement best practice, controls and security measures to ensure your customer data is safe with us.
IntegrationsYou get pre-built integrations that make setup completely painless. Integrate seamlessly with Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Volusion, Celery, 3dcart, ReCharge and other bespoke platforms.