In this article
Most people stick with the default setting for most things.
In the early days, over 95% of Microsoft Word users never touched their settings at all – including Autosave, a useful feature.
What about a default social sharing message?

One of the main ways that people share referral links is on social media.
And lots of people are typically too busy to take the trouble of modifying the default messages.
What does this tell you?
You can actually improve your referral rates by choosing a great default sharing message.
How do you pick a good one?
Here are some examples to steal ideas from.
The following messages are all taken from actual tweets by actual advocates of retailers using ReferralCandy. The referral links have been replaced with the placeholder "[referral_link]".
Include an @-mention of your business, so that you can talk to and get to know your advocates

- I love OrthoFeet. Use my referral link to get a discount now! [referral_link] via @orthofeet
- I love EverlyWell. Use my referral link to get a discount now! [referral_link] via @everlywellness
- Get 15% off handcrafted gifts from Wendell August. You will love their products. [[referral_link]] via @wendellaugust
- Just got a super deal on mobile accessories at CellularOutfitter. Use my unique link for 25% off: [referral_link] via @celloutfitter
- You gotta check out this Action-Based Accessories & Apparel Brand! SO COOL! #lookgoodfeelgooddogood [referral_link] via @shoplacle
- Hey guys I got my new #logo via @99designs. They're an awesome #design service. I highly recommend. [referral_link]
- Gone are the days that I have to hunt for wifi when I travel! [referral_link] via @MySkyroam
- For those that know how much I enjoy a good pair of shades, use this link to get 20% off any merch. [referral_link] via @KZshades
- Fit Tea is dah bomb, it's no miracle worker but it gives a boost - Use my referral link for a discount! [referral_link] via @fittea
- ZOOSHOO has an awesome Referral Program! Use my referral link to get a nice discount here ~: [referral_link] via @zooshoo #shoes
Emphasize the happy experience of customer

- I just indulged in a Topbox. Click here and don't miss out on the latest beauty finds! #topbox [referral_link] via @topboxca
- My new favorite drink of all time!! Jin+Ja is amazing! Use my referral link to get a discount now! [referral_link] via @drinkjinja
- I love Ashley Bridget! 65% OFF their entire store using my referral link! [referral_link] via @ashleybridgetco
- I LOVE Mealmade. Use my referral link to get a free dinner! [referral_link] via @mealmade
- A little obsessed. SPARKLY THINGS. Use my referral link to get a 20% discount & free shipping! [referral_link] via @LizzyJamesInc
- I love @SweatyBands because they don't slip! Click below for 15% off! #TeamSweatyBands [referral_link]
- I love using my SodaStream to stay hydrated & I hope you will too! Use referral link & save 10%. [referral_link] via @SodaStream_CA
- OBSESSED with my new super comfy POPRAGEOUS dress! Get $20 off your 1st order today using this link! [referral_link] via @POPRAGEOUS
- Love these cork yoga mats from Yoloha. Use my referral link to get a discount now! [referral_link] via @yolohayoga
- okay so maybe I love @popsockets too much and maybe I bought another one so plz use my referral link to get $2 off: [referral_link]
- The Arden bra from The Dairy Fairy is pure magic. Use this link to get 15% off your purchase. [referral_link] LJM2SD9 via @thedairyfairy_
- I love @suddencoffee! If you want to give it a shot, here’s my code![referral_link] #Coffee
- I love #PMS Bites. Just ftd on #SharkTank #healthy #vegan #glutenfree Discount when you use my link![referral_link] via @PMSBites
- I love uBiome. Want to have your #microbiome sequenced, too? Use my referral link to get a discount now! [referral_link]
- I love my new #Rocketbook! Get a #FREE 3-pack of Rocketpads when you buy a Rocketbook with my referral link:
- I've loved my first 2 Cajun Crates! Use my referral link to get $$ off your subscription now! [referral_link] via @cajun_crate
- Had my healthy gourmet lunch from Dah Makan today & loved it! Here's RM 10 off for your first order: [referral_link] via @dah_makan
- $10 off code for #DockATot.. we LOVE this baby bed! She's already sleeping 12-13 hour stretches in it! [referral_link] via @dockatot
- OBSESSED with @Edoughble cookie dough! Use my referral link to get 25% off now! You're welcome:) [referral_link] via @edoughble
- @foursigmatic mushrooms are awesome. #onshrooms #sippingshrooms Get $10 off using this link! Thank me later :)
- Feeling so loving today! Want 15% off an Avro watch? Use this: [referral_link]
- Hey it'd mean a lot to me if you'd check out my discount link to so aesthetic! thanks! [referral_link]
Describe your product's features and benefits

- Spiritual jewelry, clothing and more! Here's $20 off your order. Check it out! :) [referral_link] via @sivanaspirit
- Cannabox is a monthly box of 420 essentials + T-Shirt in every box! Use my link to get a discount: [referral_link] via @cannabox
- Download from over 100000 Stock videos, Production music, AE templates. Here’s your coupon for 90%discount. [referral_link]
- I love Fresh City. Fresh healthy food delivered to my door. Use my link to get a discount now! [referral_link] via @freshcityfarms
- Discover new keto snacks and food with Keto Delivered. It's like having a birthday in a box every month! [referral_link]
- We use @Wondercide products to repel fleas & ticks all year long! Save $10 [referral_link] #natural #fleafree
- Easily the best keyboard on the market for the iPad. #brydge #minimacbook [referral_link] via @brydgekeyboards
- Get 15% off a custom t-shirt quilt from #projectrepat Click to get best price! [referral_link] via @projectrepat
- Get 10% off TarDisk! It doubles your MacBook storage and runs at SSD speeds. Plug and Play to install! [referral_link] @tardisk
- Cute leggings at a decent price, plus sizes too! @UniqueCoolYou. Use my referral link to get a 10% off now! [referral_link]
- This website has cute merch for various fandoms & just cute stuff in general check it out! 10% off for new customers [referral_link]
- Awesome stickers and swag on #Linux, #Programming & #OpenSource. Use this link to get a discount! [referral_link] @unixstickersさんから
- AudioBlocks is the first subscription-based site providing UNLIMITED royalty-free music, sound effects & loops. [referral_link]
- Tastiest Recovery Drink ever. Awesome company. Use my referral link for $15 OFF! #killcliff [referral_link] via @killcliff
- Hunting and Fishing Gear delivered monthly. Check them out, use this link for $5 off! [referral_link] via @sportsmansbox
- Great dress shoes at an even better price. Use this link to get $25 off any pair of Tocas today! [referral_link] via @TocaShoes
- #Best #slimmest #iPhone case I've ever had! #totallee. Use the link to get a discount on yours! [referral_link] via @totalleecase
- Shout out to http://bestbeardcream.com doing my beard right. Use my referral link to get 20% off. [referral_link] via @bestbeardcream
- Using #MrBlancTeeth whitening strips to safely whiten my teeth. Anyone can use my discount code: [referral_link] via mrblancteeth
- Adventure & Design at it's finest - @thisisground knows what's up! Use this link to get $10 for their shop.
Emphasize who your product is for, or the problem it solves

- Save on your energy with @octopus_energy. Use my referral link to get £15 Amazon voucher when you join!
- Swimfluence is a must have for competitive swimmers. Use this link to get a discount now! [referral_link] via @swimfluence
- Anyone who wants great tasting coffee on the go, check out @suddencoffee. $10 off your 1st order:
- Terrific coffee with the convenience of instant! Sudden Coffee = perfect for conventions. Want a wee discount? [referral_link]
- Hey tri & swim friends: I love blueseventy. Now you can use my referral link to get a discount now! [referral_link] via @blueseventy
- Traveling internationally? Skyroam WiFi hotspot is a must-have!! Use my code for $20 off: [referral_link] via @MySkyroam
- Need to send a cool gift? @KNACKSHOPS. Use my referral link to get a discount now! [referral_link]
- Goodbye shin splints! Absolutely LOVING these insoles! #Awesome @Wiivvit #KeepGoing ~[referral_link]
- Need #custommadeclothes? Let me know, I can get you a discount @ModernTailor. Here's a coupon if you need one now [referral_link]
- Babes, if you want to try Flat Tummy Tea, use my referral link to get 10% off! [referral_link] via @flattummytea
- Want to learn to customize or restore shoes? I'd appreciate it if you checked out AngelusDirect! [referral_link] via @AngelusDirect
- Looking for a dog sitter? I suggest Petme, with which I find myself really well. Sign up now: 10 € discount! [referral_link] via @Petme_it
- If your looking to get some 3d printing done please check out Isotopes Hub [referral_link] He did a great job!
- Dig EDC gadgets and gear? Check out the EvadeClip! [referral_link] via @tihkco#
- If anyone is looking for a good website to do their drivers ed this one is really great!! [referral_link] via @aceable
- Want to win Deepwater Horizon movie tickets? Just refer 20 friends to sign up on NrgEdge! [referral_link] via @nrg_edge
- Hey guys! If you've always wanted a Popsocket you can use my link and get $2 off your order! [referral_link]
- "Hey, South Jersey friends! If you're hungry, here is $10 on me. No restaurant markups. Enjoy! [referral_link]"
- Traveling internationally? Skyroam WiFi hotspot is a must-have!! Use my code for $20 off: [referral_link] via @MySkyroam
Emphasize the discount or benefit to the Advocate's friends

- Get 10% off your new favorite compression socks with this link: [referral_link] via @teamtiux
- 20% off Wuju sauce, if you're into that sorta thing. [referral_link]
- Get $150 worth of street wear for only $75. Packages are delivered every six weeks! [[referral_link]] via @threadbeast
- Get 25% off all products at http://Ztylus.com ! Follow this link for a 25% off coupon: [referral_link] via @Ztylususa
- Have you tried @Facetheory #skincare? Get 25% off today. #offers #discounts [referral_link] via @facetheory
- Sale! Great discounts on LIFX smart bulbs: Use our link for an even better deal! [referral_link] #LED... [referral_link]
- Get £50 off the amazing Simba Mattress [referral_link] #simbasleep #latexmattress #voucher #memoryfoam #coupon
- Sharing the love of a favorite product! Get 20% off @DesignerProtein using this link! ----> [referral_link]
- Get 15% OFF your first Tribesports order: [referral_link] via @tribesports
- Save 10% off $30, affordable watches and bracelets. Hey, check the amazing timepieces at [referral_link] via @Dapper_Time
- Use this link to get $10 off your first purchase at Thrive Causemetics: [referral_link] via @thrivecause
- Loving my Rothy's & think you will too. Get $25 off your first pair of 3D knit flats @liveseamlessly [referral_link] #shoes
- Anyone need teen drivers ed? Aceable is having a 20% off sale right now. [referral_link] via @aceable
- My favorite artist! Use my referral link to get 20% off your first purchase at http://Valfre.com [referral_link] via @Valfre
- Use this link to get 15% off a beautiful personalized kid's book by Wondrous Ink [referral_link] via @wondrousink
Emphasize recency, if relevant

- I just bought a Quad Lock! The best iPhone mount 4 Cyclists & Runners! Discount via link. [referral_link] via @quadlockcase
- Just got a super deal on mobile accessories at CellularOutfitter. Use my unique link for 25% off: [referral_link] via @celloutfitter
- I just joined Amuze. Get up to 80% OFF exclusive designer goods like Valentino, Gucci, Prada and more... [referral_link]
- 3D Hubs just helped me to complete my project. Use my referral link to get $10 off your first 3D print! [referral_link] via @3dhubs
- Just started using Dorco USA and it's Dollar Shave Club, but better. Use my referral link to get a discount now! [referral_link]
- I just completed my purchase @BlessedHerbs & they gave me an exclusive 20% OFF coupon for my friends. Access it @ [referral_link]
- I just got a great new design from @99designs. You should try them out too! Get a free $99 upgrade with my link:
- I just purchased a fantastic #dailygreatnessjournal & got a discount code for you to use! Check them out here... [referral_link]
- So, I just bought this awesome #SELFJournal. Anyone else has it? If y'all want, you can get 10$ using this link:
- just ordered a hat that says 'bad hair day' on it!!! you can find it at 1950 collective (and here's a 10% off code [referral_link] )
- I decided it's time to protect my files. I have an external drive but this makes more sense. [referral_link]
- I purchased a fantastic #dailygreatnessjournal & got a discount code for you to use! Check them out here.... [referral_link]
- Can't wait to get my @hopsy_beer order! $1 growlette & free delivery when you order for the 1st time with my link!
Be fun or funny, if you can

Usually you'd want to leave this up to your customers though, unless you really have a great brand voice.
- Sheet just got real. Check out these amazing @brooklinen bed sheets! [referral_link]
- I swear this isn't spam: Get 20% off your first purchase at @Valfre I [referral_link]
- £5 off your first pair of socks: for those with colourful soles! [referral_link] via @QuietRebellion_
- Cool tomboy underpants because gender is a social construct and all i want in this life is cool underpants ty + bye [referral_link]
- Salary almost gone paying the bills? Here's RM10 off lunch fom Dah Makan [referral_link] via @dah_makan
- OK, this might also mean I get a discount, but these fabrics are really cool Use referral link to get discount now! [referral_link]
- First round of JRINKs on me! Here's $10 towards your first order. Let the JRINKing games begin![referral_link] via @JRINKjuicery
Emphasize social benefit if any

- Give girls the gift of building with my 20% off coupon code! [referral_link] via @goldieblox
- Topbox created a cruelty free box! Love this! I hope to see more of these. [referral_link] via @topboxca
- Create a culture of kindness. Wear shoes that change the world. Get a discount at [referral_link] via @ihearttrc
- I made another small change to #ecochic and just bought a @PelaCase for my phone. You can get 20% off here too... [referral_link] :)
- Check out FLOAT Apparel, they donate $8 from every purchase to charity! Get 10% off your order with this coupon: [referral_link]
Use seasonal cues or time-sensitive discounts if they apply

- ROCKTOBER!! Get $10 off a @GPen vaporizer now! Use my referral link to get the discount![referral_link] via @GPen @TheProphetDC
- I grabbed a pair of @NisoloShoes Mendez flats for 60% off. The sale ends tonight, so get a move on! code:#winter60
- "Get set for Fall with Sweaty Bands - use the link for a 15% off code! [referral_link] #SweatyBands #TeamSweatyBands #running"
- Winter woolies time - great 100% wool items. Use the link below and we both get a discount :) [referral_link]
Consider using emojis if they're relevant

- I want to share the ❤️ of biking w @RideIndego ? Get 50% off the first month w this link [referral_link] #rideindego ???
- ?shameless promo? but..... use this link if you're thinking about buying a popsocket and want $2 off! [referral_link]
- Have acne or scars- get rid of them! $10 off coupon below ? [referral_link]
- For those who like makeup like myself, click this link to get 10% off ? [referral_link]#mymakeupbrushset ?
- I love ?Desert Farms-Camel Milk! A Powerful Healing Beverage! Use this link to get a Discount now! @desertfarmsmilk
- ??Using Cocowhite to whiten my teeth. Everyone is welcome to use my referral link to get a discount [referral_link] via @CocowhiteUK
- Stoked my @RocketInno Executive arrived today. Free Rocketpads if you grab one using my referral link ??
- Got a discount on my @nutriseed order using a link like this one and I'm v impressed ? way better than high street [referral_link]
If your product is something customers are happy to refer to their friends, a good default sharing message can go a long way in improving referral rates.
Here's a recap of what you could do to make your default sharing message more compelling:
- @-mention of your business
- Emphasize the happy experience of your customer
- Describe your product's features and benefits
- Emphasize who your product is for, or the problem it solves
- Emphasize recency, if relevant
- Be fun or funny if you can
- Emphasize social benefit if any
- Seasonal cues or time-sensitive messages
- Use emojis if appropriate
Further Reading:
- Why Referral Marketing Is Awesome
- An Epic List of Referral Program Examples
- How To Setup Your Referral Program
- How To Set Up Your Referral Program’s Incentives (With 12+ Examples!)
- How To Write Great Emails Asking For Referrals
- 6 Examples Of Beautiful Referral Email Design
- 34 Examples Of Stylish Friend Landing Pages In Referral Programs
- How to Get Your Referral Messaging Right
- How To Promote Your Referral Program
- How To Keep Your Referral Program Top-of-Mind
- 10 Examples of Prominent Referral Calls-to-Action
- 121 Examples of Social Sharing Messages Used By Real Advocates [You are here!]
- How To Increase Referral Rates