In this article
Jeulia is an online eCommerce store that is selling premium artisan jewelry. They hand craft everything from wedding ring sets to charms and bracelets. Jeulia is one of the best examples of an eCommerce shop marketing jewelry online successfully. They are crushing it with their referral marketing and online sales. Jeulia has crafted an engaging social media strategy that improves their visibility and increases their sales as well.
“Social media will help you build up loyalty of your current customers to the point that they will willingly, and for free, tell others about you.” – Bonnie Sainsbury (@bsainsbury)
So, let's dive in to what they are doing right online to see if we can figure out the key to their success.

Pinterest Marketing
Pinterest has approximately 175 million monthly active users, 75 million of them are located in the United States. Therefore, Pinterest is a gold mine for ecommerce marketing. It is the ideal place for sharing your products if you are an online business owner. The average dollar-per-transaction through Pinterest is much higher that other social networks.
It is important to keep in mind that many Pinterest visitors are already interested in discovering new products. They are not there to engage in political debates or see updates from friends. Pinterest visitors are looking to get inspiration, discover products and make a purchase.
Developers have created apps to make purchases on Pinterest even easier. ‘Rich Pins’ allow you to show more detail about your pins. There are four types of Rich Pins that you can use - products, recipes, apps and articles. Rich Pins will connect your website to your Pinterest account, but they'll also automatically change your product's information on Pinterest as it gets updated. This can save thousands of hours as it will update price, availability and store info.
Jeulia has been pinning each of their products on Pinterest. They have created 54 different boards, or categories, in which they can categorize each piece of jewelry. They have categorized their products by color, design, type, mens and womens. This allows people to easily discover their products through searches.
Jeulia creates pin boards for their promotionals. Jeulia has sales on the traditional holidays - Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, etc. For each of their promotionals, they create a board and pin the items that are on sale. This is an excellent way to notify followers of upcoming discounts. In the picture below, we see their Mother's Day Gift Idea board.
Pinterest Users Love to Shop - Pinterest for Ecommerce Retailers

Instagram Marketing
Instagram has over 800 million active users. In addition to that, Instagram drives more engagement than any other social channel. This is important for brand recognition and selling jewelry. The visuals on Instagram tend to trigger social interactions, such as sharing the photos of the products.
Since jewelry is very visual, marketing jewelry through Instagram is an ideal way to get the product out there to its consumers. Jeulia has taken that concept and run with it. Jeulia has created a following of 189K followers on Instagram. People definitely enjoy seeing the beautiful pictures of their jewelry online.

For a product that is so visual, such as jewelry, it is a no-brainer to use one of the most visual social media platforms. People go to instagram to look at pictures. They want to see great visuals.
So, how is Jeulia doing so well on Instagram? They consistently display two professional photos of their product with inspirational quotes or positive messages. The photos are interesting and beautiful. The quotes are shareable. This keeps their followers interested and engaged.
Take a look at an example of Jeulia's instagram photos. It has an air of simple elegance to it. They positioned the ring with a beautiful flower. They captioned it, "Make your day colorful and amazing." This particular Instagram photo received 494 likes. While likes are not sales, the social media activity helps to get the product recognized.

With such gorgeous pictures and a beautiful message, who wouldn't want to follow Jeulia?
11 Instagram Marketing Examples - How Retailers Use Instagram to Sell
Jeulia's Facebook Engagement
Jeulia doesn't neglect Facebook marketing either. Their Facebook business page has received 1.9 million likes. How did they do it? They post the videos, professional photos and promotions on their Facebook page. They average 2-3 posts per day to keep their customers interested and engaged.
In addition to Facebook ads, there are several ways to get business through Facebook. First and foremost, you should create a business page. Second, ensure that you are posting regularly. You won't show up in your customer's news feeds if you only post occasionally. Promote your page on your business cards and in your email signatures. Engage with your customers and fans through your posts. Make sure that you are asking a question now and then to encourage engagement. Remember, the more interaction that the post has, the more newsfeeds it will appear in. Finally, you can leverage friends of followers. Encourage your followers to share posts or create a contest that they can win by sharing the posts.
The Facebook posts often simply feature their gorgeous jewelry. Below is an example of one of their posts that received 439 likes and 12 comments. Twenty people shared this simple post. That is excellent engagement. The link that they included takes you to the product page where you can purchase the Amethyst ring.

How To Grow a Facebook Page From 0- 220K with only $1,000
Paid Advertisements For Marketing Jewelry Online
Jeulia isn't relying solely on social media sharing to get their brand and products out there. They use paid advertisements as well. Jeulia has advertisements on YouTube, Facebook and MSN.
Jeulia uses a video in the Facebook ads that rotates their ring for a 360 degree view and accompanies it with some classical music. It seems very simple and elegant. At the end of the video, they put up the name of their brand to increase brand recognition. These sponsored posts on Facebook can also receive likes, comments, shares and show up in friend's news feeds. Therefore, a great Facebook ad can go a long way.

Bing ads are currently used to display Jeulia advertisements. These could be created either by Jeulia or one of their affiliates. Bing advertisements are often used by affiliate marketers and small businesses because they are so cost effective. Bing ads allow you to target your ads to display when someone searches for your product. They allow you to control your daily budgets with no mandatory spending thresholds. Bing ads only require you to pay when someone clicks on your ads.

Rewarding their Customers
Jeulia recognizes that repeat business and customer referrals can generate business and be very valuable. They have created opportunities for their customers to earn rewards by referring their friends. They also have programs for bloggers to promote their products and affiliate marketers who want to earn extra money by creating advertisements for their business.
"Loyal customers, they don’t just come back, they don’t simply recommend you, they insist that their friends do business with you." - Chip Bell
Customers acquired through referrals have a 37% higher retention rate. 81% of consumers are more likely to engage with brands that have reward programs. Therefore, it was wise for Jeulia to highly value their customers and includes rewards program in their marketing plan. Referred consumers are likely to continue to do business and engage with them in the future. This can help to reduce future marketing costs as more and more consumers refer their friends.
You can find links to the following programs at the bottom of their homepage. Not only are they offering referral rewards, but they also give bloggers an option to promote their jewelry and offer military discounts.

In the example Facebook post below, we see that Jeulia is encouraging its customers to refer their friends and get a reward. They are offering one month free with Jeulia Prime when you give your friends 15% off.

Get Visual For Marketing Jewelry Online
Jeulia uses a combination of different platforms for marketing jewelry online. However, one common theme throughout is that each advertisement and post has a unique visual attached to it. This gives the viewer an idea of what the jewelry looks like. Promoting the beauty of your jewelry is essential for making online sales since the customers can't inspect it or try it on immediately as they can in a store. Most importantly, a beautiful picture creates the image in a customers mind that they will look pretty in the jewelry as well.
A consistent strategy of displaying gorgeous jewelry pictures has worked well for Jeulia. The consistent engagement with their customers promotes excitement about the jewelry. It creates a social media buzz that generates sales. Jeulia does an excellent job of engaging with their customers through the social media platforms that focus most on visuals. They don't even bother with Twitter, which isn't quite as visual as the other platforms. It is the pictures that sell their product and they know that. For marketing jewelry online, it is wise to follow Jeulia's lead and focus on social media engagement and sharing product pictures.